Dr Sarah Gilchrist

Dr Sarah Gilchrist

BSc. MSc. DProf. FBASES. BASES accredited (HPSA), CSci.

Dr Sarah Gilchrist FBASES, spent over 20 years working in the high performance sport industry, latterly as a Technical Lead for the English Institute of Sport and Senior Physiologist with British Rowing. Her doctorate specialised in sleep and athletic performance and she now provides consultancy on a range of performance areas, particularly relating to sleep health, through her own consultancy, Gilchrist Performance.

She is on the Advisory Board for the Sleep Charity, a fellow of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences and is High Performance Sport Accredited.

Mobile: +44 (0)7970 540336
Email: sarah@gilchristperformance.co.uk
LinkedIn: Dr Sarah Gilchrist
Twitter: SarahLGilchrist
Instagram: GilchristPerf

Sleepio: https://onboarding.sleepio.com/sleepio/nhs/391#1/1

Sleep PDF: CBTi intervention leaflet

Sleep Diary: The Sleep Charity Sleep Diary

For more information contact us here.